Understanding Queue States

Each queue has one of four possible states at any given time:   

Active - There is currently a wait for service. This is the "normal"  operation mode, where you can easily add customers to the queue, and they can add themselves as well. While a queue is active, it will display the Estimated Next Wait for the next customer to enter the queue.      


Inactive - The queue is not open for service.  This can mean that there is no wait for service or that you are not queuing at a time when you are open. If a customer tries to add herself to an inactive queue, she will be told that there is no wait, or the message that you have configured for this state.


Closing - Once the forecast wait for the next customer to join the queue exceeds the scheduled closing time, the queue will automatically move to the Closing state. This way, the system tries to guarantee that the last customer will arrive just before closing time.  If a customer tries to add herself to a closing queue, she will be told that the system is closed for the day.  If you try to add a customer to a closing queue, you will be prompted with a warning message before proceeding, reminding you that the queue is closing.

If the forecast wait for the next customer to join the queue changes, and no longer exceeds the scheduled closing time, the queue will automatically move back to the Active state.


Closed - A queue's state will automatically be changed to Closed at the configured closing time. If a customer tries to add herself to a closed queue, she will be told that the system is closed for the day. If you try to add a customer to a closed queue, you will be prompted with a warning message before proceeding, reminding you that the queue is closed.

For information on how to change the queue states, see the “Changing Queue States” Queue-tip.